Continuing Efforts


After returning to Ottawa, I soon started receiving emails and phone calls from family members.  One person I never heard from was Terry’s wife. My sister and Ron told me that, after family members phoned Susan numerous times to get more information, she asked that they stop calling her. This created a huge information gap because the Regina Police and RCMP were of course calling Susan with their updates. We had no idea as to what she was learning.




A story on Terry was on TV twice yesterday (supper and late night news).

Most of the family did not see it or know about it.  Ron.



[My brother Ron sent some questions and observations to the Regina Police, Here are two critical questions with the response from the police.]

Q: The video surveillance at the South Albert Liquor Board store had not been checked as of 11:00 am on Thursday, December 27, 2001.

A: I spoke to an employee of the liquor store on December 27th and learned that the store has a small supply of video tapes and regularly reuses the video tapes. The tape from December 18th had already been reused.

Q. Was there video surveillance at the PetroCanada where the gas was purchased? If so, were they viewed?

A: The video taping system at the Petro Can is not working and has been this way since before December 18th.



To: Loretta

Hi, just a quick update. CKCK TV interviewed, Teresa, Ron, Jackie and myself on Monday and aired a two minute clip with a response from the Regina Police Service. There has been more coverage in the Leader Post and the Times Herald. Hopefully someone will remember seeing Terry.  Talk to you soon, with good news, I hope. Love Mike.



To: Loretta

Just listened to a live interview that CBC had with Teresa on the radio.

She did a wonderful job. I think Anita taped it. Love again Mike.



Subject: Clarification

[My brother Ron sent the attached excerpt from an email he received from the Regina Police Service (RPS) in response to his question, “Other than Crime Stoppers, what is the next step for the RPS in regards to Terry's disappearance?”] 

RPS’s Response:

Unless someone calls to report seeing Terry or evidence is found as to his whereabouts, there is very little to do at this point. As I mentioned to you at the outset, these are very difficult cases on the family and the waiting and not knowing is the hardest part. I sympathize with you and we will investigate any leads that arise.



Hey Loretta! Quick update -- they created a Crime Stoppers clip on TV utilizing the previous interviews. We are going to use planes [of a cousin and a family friend] to do an aerial search of the Regina to Kennedy corridor (I just made up that "corridor" thing - sounds impressive, though). Frank and I are driving to Kennedy tomorrow or Thursday. Neither of us believes he is down there, but we've both been wrong on one other occasion.  Ron.


Note – the aerial search by family and friends did not take place, and the trip to Kennedy would take place in mid-February.



From: Regina Police

To: Ron Sagal

Subject: Terry Sagal

Mr. Sagal

I just received word, that Civil Air Search and Rescue (CASARA) will fly the search area tomorrow (Jan. 12th). If the air search is negative, we have no immediate plans to conduct any further searches. The RCMP will not be sending their ground search team out again, at this time. The case remains open and we will investigate any leads we receive. We have received no information to date that would indicate foul play, nor do we feel that any other persons are involved in Terry's disappearance. If the media reports are accurate, your family has also organized an air search. If this is correct, any information obtained in this search should be immediately conveyed to the RPS and the RCMP. Thank you.




Subject: Update on Terry

Hello to all. On Friday, CASARA was asked by the RCMP to conduct an aerial search of the Kennedy area. This came after the Leader-Post reported that the Sagal family was planning on conducting its own aerial search. Farmers from the Kennedy area confirmed that an aerial search was underway on Saturday. I spoke to a sergeant at the RCMP "F" Division today. He confirmed that he was in charge of the operation, but could give me no other information, including the number of planes, the length of the search, or even whether members of the RCMP were on the plane. We are assuming that they found nothing. The sergeant stated he was pretty sure he would have heard something by now if they had spotted anything. He told me I should contact the Montmartre detachment if I needed additional information. I asked him about the Kipling detachment, and he said "sure, call them." I will keep you all posted. Keep the faith! Ciao!  Ron.



To: Loretta

From: Frank

Subject: Terry

Dad, Ron, Bev, myself and Bruno [Frank’s dog] travelled down to the sight where Terry's car was found. I spoke to the rancher to establish the direction the car was parked. He discovered the vehicle around five p.m. that day. We also spoke to [a neighbor]. He lives a short distance from the ranch and is father to a fellow I know from the correctional center.  We checked out a couple of abandoned farms. After seeing the area, we definitely do not believe that Terry drove to this location. I think we all feel a little bit better, having seen the area ourselves. But we're as puzzled about this as we ever were. No answers, but a million-zillion questions. Dad and I left at 8 a.m. Sunday morning and joined up with Ron and Bev in Regina. Dad and I got back to Moose Jaw at 5 p.m. Nothing concrete gained, but we have a better idea of how complicated it would be to search the area around Kennedy. Bye for now, lots of luv to you both, Frank.



Subject: Civilian Search

Hi Loretta

Our bunkhouse attendant in Broadview told me on the weekend that there was a Quad Rally two weekends ago in the Kipling area. There were about 60 people involved and instead of the usual mud jumping and fun stuff, they converged on the area where Terry's car was found and spent the day searching for anything. However, they came up empty. They might do the same later on in the spring. Thought you might like to know. Love Mike.



From: Regina Police Major Crimes Section

Subject: Terry Sagal

Mr. Sagal, [this was to my brother Ron]

The investigation into the disappearance of your brother Terry is an active file and remains open to this date. We have and will continue to pursue any and all leads that are brought to our attention. While we are unable to disclose all avenues of investigation we attempt to keep families updated. That is not to say that we notify each member of someone's family and would expect that in most cases families do exchange information. In some cases there is a minimal exchange of information within families, as appears to be the case here. There are on occasion certain items of interest which we cannot legally disclose. [I have removed reference to an allegation that my brother made because it was evidently unfounded.] We as a Police Service remain dedicated to this ongoing investigation. Although we are equally puzzled and the circumstances are indeed suspicious, we have no evidence of foul play involved at this time. We will actively pursue any additional information, whether fact or tip. We too desire to factually provide some closure to this matter. S/Sgt. Major Crimes Section.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~


At this point, the correspondence regarding Terry’s disappearance dries up. It isn’t until 2008 that another search is conducted.



My brother Terry, shortly before he went missing on December 18, 2001. Ambiguous Loss: The most stressful type of loss; a type of loss tha...